How’s Your Hydration?

How’s Your Hydration?

Most of us know that being properly hydrated is important, but commonly we neglect drinking it regularly as part of maintaining good health. It becomes even more important as we get older. According to the National Institutes of Health, “Adults who stay well-hydrated...

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Here’s The Truth Of An Alkaline Diet And Why Should You Trust It And Start It Today

Here’s The Truth Of An Alkaline Diet And Why Should You Trust It And Start It Today You’ve heard of an alkaline diet but want to know if it’s real, if it’s safe, and if it works. In the next couple of minutes, we’ll show you that YES, it’s real, safe, and...

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7 Easy Ways to Feel Better Today with Water Ionization for the Body Inside and Out

You’ve probably heard of ionized water before but weren’t sure if it was another “miracle cure” that would cost you money without delivering benefits. You might even be wondering if it’s safe because ions were those things we learned about way back in Chemistry when...

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