Blossoming with Change

Blossoming with Change

This week’s ezine rant(ish) could be equated with Canada’s own Rick Mercer. He always makes a good point – and that is my goal too. It begins with the quote above, which inspired this week’s article. I often wonder how bad it has to get before someone seeks another...

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Inner Knowing

Inner Knowing

Learning to trust yourself and that deep inner knowing is an essential aspect of living your life with clarity. Following your heart and being truthful to that which is for your highest good can be challenging and fraught with indecision. Ideally, you want to live in...

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The Little Things

The Little Things

  “Some people have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.” ~ Abraham H. Maslow If there was a quote that defined me – this week’s would be it. I...

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