Can Nutrition Help Slow Down the Aging Process?

Can Nutrition Help Slow Down the Aging Process?

We all age. That fact is inevitable.  But a lot of the negative changes that take place in our bodies are not. As we age, we become more susceptible to such things as heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and arthritis. However, medical research has shown that proper...

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Antioxidants:  Eat All Your Colors!

Antioxidants: Eat All Your Colors!

Antioxidants are all the rage today.  And, justifiably so.  Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals which cause cell damage, which ultimately can lead to diseases of the heart and cancer.  It seems everywhere you go it’s blueberry this and blueberry that. ...

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Eat Your Stress Goodbye – Stress Reducing Diet

Eat Your Stress Goodbye – Stress Reducing Diet

When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional ‘comfort’ foods – think big meals, take-out, fatty foods, sweet foods, and alcohol. Let’s face it – we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty meal and a bottle of beer or...

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Why Fiber Is Key For Dieting

Why Fiber Is Key For Dieting

In this article I will reveal some little known facts about the fibers and the beneficial effect they have over your body. First of all let me explain what fiber is…            Fiber is an indigestible part of all plant foods. It is found in fruits, vegetables, grains...

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A Colon Detox Can Improve Your Colon Health

A Colon Detox Can Improve Your Colon Health

A healthy colon is a vital part of a healthy body.  The colon, along with the small and large intestines, are a major area where the nutrients in food are absorbed.  If the colon is not clean, it cannot fulfill this important task.  Not only that, the impacted fecal...

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10 Ways to Get More Antioxidants Into Your Diet

10 Ways to Get More Antioxidants Into Your Diet

It’s no secret that antioxidants are incredibly beneficial to good health. It’s believed the antioxidants in food can help prevent cancer, reverse or slow aging, enhance your immune system, increase your energy and improve heart and other organ health. Given all we...

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