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Alkaline Water: Powerful Antioxidant

Alkaline water is considered a powerful and natural antioxidant which can flush and neutralize toxins inside the body.  Using alkaline water for meal preparation and drinking it is a great way to balance the pH and a healthy lifestyle. It helps to enhance the nutritional value of food and the flavor. Drinks like tea and coffee can also benefit from alkaline water.

We all know that fruits and vegetables help improve our digestion process and provide our body with significant nutrients. That’s why it is recommended that we intake alkaline rich foods like broccoli, avocados, carrots, apples and blueberries.

Daily intake of such foods helps us to eliminate accumulated toxins in our body and restore our alkalinity and stabilize oxygen systems. To add up, alkalinity can notably increase oxygen thereby helping to increase mental clarity and boost energy.

How do we start?

There are many ways you can do to start alkalizing your body. One of the simplest and cost-effective ways is by having your own filter. A filter can easily turn your tap water into an alkaline water. There are also portable versions which you can bring anywhere you go.

To start your healthy lifestyle, you may visit this link and pick a great filter or portable version that fits your prefernce:

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