Healthier Living 4 You

Feeling Fabulous… Stepping Into Detox! – By Mercedes Kay Gold

We live in a toxic world. It’s impossible to escape. Do you pump gas on the way to work? Do you start
the day in the drive-thru? Is life on-the-go a packet or two of no calorie chemical love in a cup of coffee? Do you dine on a processed over-the-top decadent donut topped with a slew of scary sprinkles? Living healthy inside and out means making the best choices to support overall wellness. People are waking up. The lack of transparency in the food industry has people taking back control. Choosing organic and non-GMO is hard on a tight budget but even more challenging as prices soar across the board. Let’s not forget the hidden culprits in cleaning and self-care products. We apply, spray and scrub ourselves and our personal space with ingredients that are more than questionable. You can make the best choices but don’t forget, all day, every day with no exception we are also bombarded with boatloads of chemicals unwillingly. We have zero control over the oodles of things that directly impact our health inside and out. There’s an array of poisons sprayed in the sky and pesticides on property. What about the vaccines we are encouraged to take from birth?

Cutting back on chemicals is not enough. The 7 pathways of elimination in the body need support. As a certified holistic nutritionist, I believe wholeheartedly in alternative medicine. I do eat an organic diet, drink 3-4 liters of filtered water daily, exercise, meditate, and a laundry list of other happy holistic habits BUT I am always on the lookout for more tools to support detoxing my body! Discovering the Hyperbath was beyond amazing. The Hyperbath is a personal ionic detox foot bath machine. The 30-minute soak in salts also includes the benefits of far infrared, penetrating up to two inches of the skin’s layers. As a personal certified trainer and self-confessed over exerciser, the notion of penetrating muscle was enticing. Improved blood circulation increases blood flow. Blood flow brings oxygen and ultimately muscle recovery is the name of the game if you love to exercise. I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and often pray away a migraine so the infrared is enticing. The ionic detoxification helps remove harmful toxins. I have eaten so much tuna in my lifetime; aluminum and mercury have both been long-time tenants in my muscles. Eviction time!

Firstly, the bath is bliss. I am a busy bee and sitting still without a phone or laptop was heavenly. The
water temperature was soothing so I sat back to watch the magic begin. The water changes color for
everybody but the color varies. Mine was crazy as the clock counted down. Apparently, the crazy green is my gallbladder saying goodbye to toxins. I felt a little lightheaded for the 30 minutes, making hydration key before, during, and after. This may be way TMI (too much information) but the next morning I was empty! I felt lighter and cleaner, literally the same sensational post-colonics feeling. I am officially hooked on the Hyperbath.

Mercedes Kay Gold is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Personal trainer and published writer who loves living her best life when not spending time with her children and grandson Theodore.


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