Healthier Living 4 You

Men’s Health Month – How’s Your Health

June shines a spotlight on all the guys out there in pursuit of better health. All month long
there are articles, workouts, tips, and all kinds of hype on products to help you be your best you.
There is a quote that I saw a few months ago that has stuck with me. As I get older staying
healthy and active is certainly a priority, but my mental health is also something we all need to
be mindful of.

I am so fortunate to be able to LOVE what I do; I have a passion for helping people improve
their health and seeing them in a better situation. My work is fulfilling, I get to connect with
the most amazing people and have learned much about my own health over the years. My
work makes me happy.

I enjoy being outdoors, working in the yard with Bev and our dog Teddy. There is nothing
better than being able to play and keep up with my kids and grandkids. I am blessed to be fit.
I enjoy conversations that stimulate thought and like bringing ideas to life. I try to teach my
kids to seek balance in both their physical and mental health. Whether it’s designing an ad
layout, putting a lead on my fishing rod, or building a fort with the grandkids I enjoy being

For Men’s Health Month, my wish is for all my fellow men to seek balance in both their physical
and mental health this month, and EVERY month going forward. Seek joy and fulfillment in
your day to day and take steps now to improve your health if it is lacking.

If you are not active now – get moving and do what you can to improve your level of physical
health. You don’t need a gym membership to get fit, talk a walk in a local park – just getting
outside and connecting with nature will boost your energy and spirit while giving you a little
Make healthier food choices – small changes can have a big impact on a lot of things. Going for
a salad on the side instead of the carbs and ensuring foods are nutrient-dense will help build a
stronger body and mind.

Exercise that creative side and find things to boost your mental health as well. Nothing better
than good conversations, playing a board game, some trivia, coloring with the kids even
building something in the garage! Whatever might be of interest can help with the mental
game and your mood as well.
Our world is full of unhealthy, overprocessed foods, chemicals, and other things that pollute
our bodies. It’s easy to get weighed down and accumulate toxins within our even if you are
doing all the right things.

If you have never considered detoxification, this could be the kickstart you need to get things
on track. Any guy could use a simple way to improve health and my Complete Body Cellular
Energy Rebalance System is a passive way to help your body expel toxins while improving
cellular function.

Since 2004 I have been helping people detox and alkalize their bodies. Learn the best ways to
detox & alkalize for better health today!

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