Healthier Living 4 You

Fire Cider Tonic – A Recipe for Keeps

Fire Cider, a popular herbal folk remedy, is a tangy, sweet vinegar infused with vegetables, herbs, spices and honey. It is often used as an anti-inflammatory and digestion-stimulating tonic and it also helps boost natural health processes.

So, if you are keen to try make your own, you’ll definitely find this blog helpful as we will share you the recipe for it.


Makes about 2 cups



  1. Place horseradish, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, peppercorns, rosemary, and clove in quart jar. Crumble chile (use 2 if you like it spicy) into a jar. Squeeze in lemon quarters; add rinds. Pour vinegar into the jar until the solids are fully submerged. Cover tightly, then swirl the jar gently to combine. Let stand in a dark spot for 1 month.
  2. Strain through a cheesecloth-lined colander or sieve into a large measuring cup; discard solids. Gather up corners of cheesecloth to extract as much liquid as possible (wear gloves if you wish to avoid turmeric stains on your hands). Rinse out the jar and pour in the liquid. Add 2 Tbsp. honey, then shake the covered jar or whisk to combine. Add more honey to taste.
  3. You can transfer the mixture to a few smaller bottles, such as swing-top bottles, as it’s easier to pour from this way. Tightly seal and chill.

Fire cider can be made 3 months ahead; store chilled in a (preferably glass) resealable container

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