Healthier Living 4 You

Detox Foot Bath and AlkaMate Giveaway

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The $3500 Customer Giveaway….watch the video below to see who won!

Wow, what an amazing 6 weeks it has been since we started this whole $3500 Giveaway.  We have heard, read, and seen some very powerful stories that our products or company have created.  We received a whole lot of new referrals of people wanting and needing our products!  Thanks to everyone that has entered this contest and has helped us get the word of health out there by sharing your story or sharing our products with someone else.

I am so pleased with how everything went…we just may end up doing something like this again in the future!  So, be sure to connect with us on Facebook at // by “liking” our page.  If your not on Facebook…it’s time to get on it! 🙂 You can also follow us on Twitter at //

If you didn’t get a chance to put your Fan Review, your video testimonial, or refer someone I encourage you to still do so!

If you have not read any of the reviews please do so by clicking here!  Seriously, some of them are absolutely amazing!  One of them just may help you with your health or possibly your business.  To watch video on YouTube go to // or watch it below.  Be sure to like and share this page!

Thanks for making this a success!

To your health and success,

Craig Jacobs

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