Our Level One Certification will get you started working with clients and building your business.
You will be able to provide a quiet 30-minute cellular energy detox and rebalancing session. These are excellent stand-alone sessions or blend in well with other sessions you may be offering.
If you are interested, we also offer a Level Two HyperBath Pro Cellular Energy Rebalancing Coaching Certification where you are trained to help coach your clients through mental and emotional release and rebalancing to help them heal at a deeper level.
Program Overview
Here is an overview of the Cellular Energy Rebalancing Program! This Practitioner program has a comprehensive curriculum designed for individuals interested in becoming Certified Practitioners of the HyperBath Pro Cellular Energy Rebalancing System, a highly effective approach for revitalizing health and wellness.
The program is designed to help you round out and use your already established skills to better assist clients along their healing journey. Whether you are a fitness professional, therapist, holistic practitioner or someone passionate about supporting health and wellbeing, this program will provide you with an understanding of the HyperBath Pro and help you work more effectively with your clients.
Program Requirements
The program can be completed through a home study and online course materials.
There are also interactive live on-line or in person training sessions available where you work through the material with a Certified Trainer.
The course work has required and suggested reading material that will help bring the concepts to life.
The programs requires that you own and are familiar with the HyperBath Pro Cellular Energy Rebalancing System and have used it yourself.
Along with the reading material you will be required to provide 3 different sessions, as case studies on friends or family, and have completed 3 sessions on yourself to really understand how it feels and the benefits your clients will be receiving.
The Level One HyperBath Pro Practitioner Certification requires that you:
1. Read the Owners Manual
2. Study the Practitioner’s Guide
3. Review the client Assessment Sheets
4. Submit 3 client case studies
5. Submit 3 self assessment sessions
6. Submit the worksheet – Tell Us About Yourself
7. Answered the 30 question Quiz
Bonus Promotional Opportunity!
Once you have completed the certification send us your picture, pictures of your office and treatment room, your website and all about your business and services and we will promote you all across our social media and feature you on our website encouraging people to seek out your services.