Happy New Year Everyone! As I sit here, I’m going over my reflection notes I created over the holidays.  This is something I really enjoy doing for both my business and personal life and encourage you to do it as well!  It’s really amazing to see what all transpired during 2012 when you actually write it down.  For Healthier Living 4 You we had A LOT of GOOD things happen.

Our 2012 Review:

  • Helped a whole lot of people get or maintain their health
  • Helped a whole lot of people make money selling our products or providing the service.
  • Revamped Website – https://healthierliving4you.com
  • Revamped Blog – https://healthierliving4you.com/blog (full of great health articles)
  • Revamped Website – //alkamate.com
  • New Locate a practitioner module
  • New online shopping cart. (Even more secure)
  • Secured Payment plans on all equipment as low as $47/month.
  • Implemented Industry Best Warranty! 3 in 1 FIT Premium Detox Foot Bath from 2 years to 6 years
  • 3 in 1 FIT Detox Foot Bath machine and marketing online training course
  • Less then 1% defect rate on all equipment
  • Moved Locations
  • Opened new Warehouse
  • New Offices overlooking a bush and farmland!

I look back on this a lot of it has to do with building infrastructure online.  Many of you may remember that we closed down our retail location and have gone full out online, so it is important that we invest in this area.

We are still a family owned and operated business and provide individual consumers and the professional market with a range of revolutionary health products that are necessary to improve, maintain, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

2013 is the year of H.O.P.E…Helping Other People Enjoy                                .  Our H.O.P.E is Helping Other People Enjoy Healthier Living!  What is your H.O.P.E?  Please leave a comment below.

Going forward for 2013 we are going to concentrate on building our customer service team, so we can better serve everyone. We want to make sure that you the customer and client, are always taken care of, and all your questions answered.  What really excites me is what we are about to launch to also assist with this… we are going to start MONTHLY WEBINARS to help people with their health! 🙂

We Work the CAUSE, NOT the SYMPTOM!

Stay tuned for more information on when our first Health Webinar will be! Here’s to great health in the year 2013!


Image from: PC World

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