Do Family meals affect you and your children’s health health?

Do you remember the last time you had a homemade meal with your family? Was it last night, last week or last month? For some families, eating together only happens when there are special occasions like Christmas, birthdays or Thanksgiving. Occasions like those allow family members to catch up and bond. It helps them strengthen family ties and pass on family cultural traditions.  Often times those meals at special occasions are spent with cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. These traditions help families stay closer and healthier.

What about your immediate family?  Do you eat with them every night or is this becoming a quick grab and go type suppers at your house?  There is an old saying, that says this, “Families that eat together, stay together”.  And as we see more families eating quick meals, to busy to sit down and learn about each others day. We see many families falling apart.

The Kitchen Table is where a family should meet at once a day.  Having a healthy home cooked meal where it can provide the much needed nutrients are bodies need.

It can be simple yet healthy not just to your physical health but also to your emotional health. It is beneficial for adults and our children.

Family meals have a great effect on children’s health. Children who eats with their families are found to be better nourished, have lower risk of obesity and have better vocabularies. These factors can also give a positive impact on a child’s performance in school. They can be better behaved and excel well in their academics.

So, to parents out there, don’t just find time for your family meal…Instead, make it a priority!  The “Kitchen Table” is where nutrients fill our bodies, lessons are learned and relationships prosper!  If there is one thing you can do for your family, enjoy at least one meal, preferably supper a day!  This way, you are not just strengthening your family ties, but instilling  good and healthy habits in your child.

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